My fourth book!
PORTRAITS Right from the Start
Painting Creative Portraits in the Traditional Vein
The NEW, long anticipated PORTRAITS Right from the Start is here at last!
From the author of the acclaimed Hilary Page’s Guide to Watercolor Paints (Watson-Guptill publications) here is another iconoclastic book.
“Deceptively simple: Highly informative.”
“User friendly but absolutely no light weight.”
Rich in substance, yet user friendly PORTRAITS Right from the Start is a complete course. It’s ideal for the serious art student. It’s a handbook for teachers and students at a class. It’s a resource for those attending model groups and most of all it’s a comprehensive course for all aspiring artists and beginners who want to get it right – from the start.
PORTRAITS Right from the Start can be a teach-yourself-at-home course because of the progressive nature of the content. You can become a pro at painting people by working through the material on your own time schedule.
In a classical approach characterized by clear, concise text and apt illustrations, Hilary Page takes students through the learning process from start to finish starting with measurements. Then through the use of mass conceptions, in this case the box, readers are shown how to translate simple one and two point perspective views into captivating, three-point perspective portraits. Three dimensional projects, including sculptural ones teach the major and secondary forms. Simple volumes, the egg, ovoid and cylinder teach shading that is then applied to the complex forms and surfaces of the head, features, hands, feet and indeed the whole figure. Each aspect of the portrait is topped off with enlightening presentations of artistic anatomy. The three dimensional projects and step by step demonstrations enable students to effortlessly assimilate the information so a complex subject such as depicting people is made easy to understand and remember without ever being simplistic. It’s for all who portray people regardless of medium since understanding the subject is the predominant factor: You have to know the eye to be able to depict it and that applies to every aspect of portrait and figure work. Included is information on techniques – charcoal, watercolor, oils and pen and ink – as well as info. on composition, color mixing and color theory. As author of the acclaimed Hilary Page’s Guide to Watercolor Paints and Color Right from the Start the color information included is spot on.
The cost is $25 plus $4.00 S&H. To purchase go to Orderform. Questions? Call Hilary Page at 713-467-8709.
Note: As you work through the lessons preferably practice what you have learned by drawing family members and friends. Or you can attend a model group. To find a group in your area go to the figure drawing directory ( If all else fails you can always work and learn from photographs! Maybe not my first option but they are invaluable.

By Hilary Page
The thirty years (not constant – well not quite!) that it has taken me to conceive, paint for, research, photograph, write, design in InDesign, edit and proof came to a head in November 2016 when Southwest Precision Printers ( in Houston, Texas started printing the jam packed, one hundred and twenty-eight page book entitled PORTRAITS Right from the Start (on acid free paper – it’s made to last!)
I have single-mindedly persevered with this project because I feel that I have something to say about painting people that has not been covered before. The book is iconoclastic. I’m especially excited about the perspective lessons. There is nothing like them in any other book. The perspective lessons, together with the artistic anatomy information make Portraits Right from the Start a classic.
I hope that this volume will become an essential resource for you in the field of portraiture; just as Hilary Page’s Guide to Watercolor Paints has become an essential guide for artists in the field of paints and pigments. Note that I was the first to warn about the pigment “Aureolin – The Defective Paint”. My article on “Visual Complements – the Difference between Visual and Mixing Complements” is another trailblazer. I coined the term Visual Complement. The distinction between Visual and Mixing complements is now accepted theory in field of color for artists.
But I digress! Back to the present! Get your copy of PORTRAITS Right from the Start with one click on my Orderform and hey presto you’ve got it!
I hope that this book will help you to learn the basics, so you have the knowledge and confidence to develop your own vision and style. That is the purpose of PORTRAITS Right from the Start.
Print out these FREE worksheets for your own use, or for teachers for your class. If you order my book from this website, I include the worksheets printed side by side on 11 X 17″ paper.